Basic information on data protection
Party responsible for processing: BTI Biotechnology Institute S.L.
Main purpose of processing:
- Managing your registration as a user of the platforms.
- Managing the contracting of products and/or services.
- Sending commercial communications.
- Resolving queries posed through the website.
Main legitimating bases:
- Consent.
- Legitimate interest.
- The right to the access, rectification, deletion, opposition and portability of the data, the right to oppose its processing at any time, for reasons related to your particular situation, in the event that the processing is based on a legitimate interest.
This Privacy Policy regulates, in general, the gathering and processing by BTI of your personal data that you provide us as a user of the website accessible through the domain name, including the blog, social networks, public information “Newsletter” services or any other functions that are available via the website at all times. All of this is without detriment to the specific provisions established in certain sections, forms or services available on the web to provide the relevant information and, if applicable, obtain your consent.
Who is responsible for processing your personal data?
Inscribed in the Companies Register of Álava, volume [884], folio [27], sheet [VI-6756]
Registered office: Calle San Antonio 15º 5º 01005 Vitoria (Álava) CIF: B01288141
How have we obtained your data?
The data that we process at BTI has been obtained from you, through (i) the various forms that you complete while browsing the website (e.g. registration as user of the website, contact forms, forms regarding job vacancies and/or selection processes, etc.); or (ii) by sending a query by email.
What categories of data do we process?
BTI processes the following categories of data:
- Identification data: name, surname(s), postal address, email address, postcode, telephone number, town/city, etc.
- Personal data: Date of birth, gender, etc.
- Traffic and location data.
- Metadata from electronic communication.
- Commercial information.
- Economic or financial data.
The data that appears in the forms made available by BTI through their online platforms marked with an asterisk (*) must be entered for the contractual or legal purpose established.
Therefore, if the user does not provide it, it will not be possible to register on the website or attend to your request.
In the event that the interested party provides third-party data, they declare they have their consent and shall pass on the information contained in this clause to them, absolving BTI of any responsibility in this regard. Nevertheless, BTI may verify this fact, adopting the relevant measures of due diligence, in accordance with the data protection regulations.
Why do we process your data?
BTI will process the user data manually and/or automatically for the following specific purposes:
- To manage your registration as a user of the online platforms owned by BTI.
- To manage the contracting of products and/or services carried out via the web, as well as the corresponding invoicing and shipping.
- To respond to queries and doubts posed.
- To send periodically (by email, post and/or SMS) electronic communications with offers, promotions and news related to our products, except when indicated otherwise or if the user opposes it or revokes consent.
- To send periodically trade and/or promotional information related to the sector of oral implantology products, regenerative medicine, training courses, etc. and added value for the end users, as well as for professional users of the sector, except when indicated otherwise or if the user opposes it or revokes consent.
- To draw up a commercial profile of the user and carry out commercial actions adapted to them, using their data arising from the management of the products acquired (data on browsing, access habits, traffic), except if the user opposes it or revokes consent.
- To comply with legally established obligations.
What is our lawful basis for processing your personal data?
The lawful basis for processing user data by BTI to carry out the user registration on the various websites lies in the consent of the interested party, requested in each case.
For its part, the management of the contracting of products or services through the website, invoicing and the corresponding shipping is deemed legitimate due to the execution of the contract itself.
The data processing to send electronic newsletters with offers, promotions and news related to our online platforms, commercial and/or promotional information, to prepare anonymous statistical reports regarding the access habits and the activity carried out by the users on the web and to prepare commercial profiles using data from the management of the products and services contracted with BTI is based on the consent of the interested party.
The consent obtained for the aforementioned purposes is independent so the user may repeal consent for one or more purpose, without detriment to the others.
Likewise, the user information may be used to fulfil the different legal obligations of BTI.
Who are the recipients of the data?
Your personal data may be communicated by BTI to:
- Public administrations and organisations to which, if applicable, BTI has the legal obligation to report their data.
- The medical establishments, dental clinics, hospitals and professionals in the medical sector in general, with the sole purpose of issuing the corresponding invoice, managing the collection of the order, managing incidents or, if applicable, the shipping of the order to the address indicated by the user.
- Service providers for managing the data processing described in the privacy policy, according to the current data protection regulations. These suppliers will not process your data for their own purposes that have not been previously communicated by BTI.
- Entities of the business Group to which BTI belongs.
No international transfers of your data are planned.
How long will we keep your personal data?
Your data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was gathered, except if the user requests their registration with BTI be cancelled, opposing or revoking their consent. All of this is without detriment to the fact that this term may be extended when you expressly authorise it or there is particular processing arising from the contractual relationship that remains valid after this term.
What rights do you have regarding the processing of your data?
As the owner of the data, you can write to us at BTI , C/ SAN ANTONIO 15 5 01005 Vitoria (Álava) or by email at the address [email protected], attaching photocopy of a document accrediting your identity, to exercise, at any time and free of cost, the following rights:
- Right to access: Conocer qué tipo de datos estamos tratando y las características del tratamiento que se realiza sobre los mismos
- Right to rectify: Podrá solicitar la modificación de sus datos por ser éstos inexactos o desactualizados.
- Right of portability: Podrá obtener, con los límites legalmente establecidos, una copia de sus datos que estén siendo tratados en un formato interoperable, con el fin de facilitarlos a otro Responsable del Tratamiento.
- Right to the limitation of processing: Usted podrá limitar el tratamiento de sus datos, siempre que dicha solicitud se encuentre amparada en los casos recogidos por la normativa aplicable.
- Right to cancel: Podrá solicitar la supresión de sus datos cuando el tratamiento ya no resulte necesario.
- Right to oppose: Podrá solicitar el cese en el envío de comunicaciones comerciales en los términos antes señalados.
- Right to not be the subject of automated individual decisions.
- Right to lodge a complaint before the competent Control Authority
What security measures do we implement to look after your data?
BTI will process your data with absolute confidentiality at all times and maintain the compulsory duty of secrecy thereto, in accordance with the applicable regulations, adopting for this purpose the technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee the security of your data and avoid its alteration, loss, or unauthorised treatment or access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which it is exposed.
Changes in the privacy policy
BTI reserves the right to modify this Privacy policy to adapt it to the new developments in legislation, case law and/or administration that may be relevant. In these cases, the changes introduced will be announced on the website sufficiently in advance of them being put into practice.
Privacy policy updated on 25 May 2018.